
Who Are We?

Aggie Club of Engineers is a social, service, and leadership organization strongly rooted in academics. ACE is based on the premise that bringing together student leaders from all levels and disciplines of Engineering will promote success. It is founded on the ideal that engineers should not only develop strongly in academics but also be of strong character. The purpose of Aggie Club of Engineers is to develop our members as successful Aggies and leaders through a primary emphasis on academic success and character development while also improving Aggieland through focuses on service



ACE recruitment takes places once a year during the start of the fall semester. Application will go live near the start of the semester.

Boot Scootin' Boogie

Boot Scootin' Boogie is ACE's other annual philanthropy event hosted alongside Aggieland's finest, Aggie Sweethearts. We work to raise money through a charity concert hosted at the Tap. More details to come.

Parents Weekend

Families of ACE: Bring your folks to experience a slice of our brotherhood during our annual Parents' Weekend; let them see why we are more than just an org, but a family.